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Fitness & Sushi

Aug 30, 2020

In this episode you'll learn...

About the mirror of judgement

How to create a more empowering perspective of other people’s opinions

Why we fear judgement from others

What really determines your life experience

The difference between other people’s opinions and your own limiting beliefs


Aug 23, 2020

In this episode you'll learn...

Why pursuing weight loss before you’re ready can set you back

The signs to look for to determine if you’re ready

How to know if your efforts are becoming detrimental

Why most people will rationalize when they’re ready when they’re really not

The 3 key traits...

Aug 16, 2020

In this episode you'll learn...

The 5 traits to look for in a good coach

Why coaching is so effective

The mistakes people make when choosing a coach

Why just because a coach has what you want it doesn’t mean they know how to help you get it

Why you need a coach that’s more than just a...

Aug 9, 2020

In this episode you'll learn...

What the Ideal Body Formula™️ is

Why it’s so effective for transformation

How to utilize it in your fitness journey

Why eating less and moving more does not result in transformation

Why you don’t need more willpower and discipline

Why Deanna has a beef with...

Aug 2, 2020

In this episode you'll learn...

The right and wrong way to utilize structure

The difference between structure and diet rules

How a little structure can make your journey more effective

The extremes of the structure spectrum

Why you should think in terms of guidelines instead of rules

Why Tony...