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Fitness & Sushi

Jan 31, 2021

🟡 How many times have you avoided life experiences, or they have been made worse, because you’ve been afraid of having your body judged?
It happens to all of us. Unexpected weight gain and body insecurities create a general feeling of unease when it comes to seeing people - especially...

Jan 24, 2021

🟡 Your behaviors are a side effect of your beliefs. So if you aren’t acting in a way that is creating positive change in your life, there’s a limiting belief you need to overcome.
Your beliefs are like your life’s operating system. This operating system can either operate the...

Jan 10, 2021

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🟡 Despite the fact we encourage people to learn how to eat without counting calories, we are NOT anti calorie tracking.
The problem is calorie tracking and food logging keep people anchored to a past dieting mindset. And it...

Jan 3, 2021

🟡 Choose your behaviors based on what will make you feel your best instead of what you think will make you look your best.
Your goal is to work towards improving your mental, emotional, and physical health without falling back into common dieting traps.