Jun 30, 2024
When people join our Mentorship program, they typically struggle with how they perceive and interpret the situations they experience in their life.
These perceptions are keeping them stuck and preventing them from experiencing the life they want.
They lead to self-sabotage, feeling bad about yourself, unwanted eating...
Jun 23, 2024
In this episode - “How to Navigate Social Situations Without Dieting”, you'll learn...
🔶 Strategies for enjoying get-togethers without food anxiety
🔶 How to handle food pushers with confidence
🔶 How to enjoy celebrations without overeating
🔶 Why "pre-dieting" doesn't balance out social overeating
Jun 16, 2024
It's normal to have thoughts and urges about wanting to diet.
And it's normal to romanticize the good parts of Diet Culture while ignoring the bad parts.
We selectively remember and focus on the parts of dieting we did like - body change, "confidence", etc.
But we block out the parts we hated - constant food and body...
Jun 9, 2024
Pretend for a moment that you're ready to give up dieting.
One big problem is that you just don't know what eating without dieting is supposed to look like.
You've lived so long following diet rules, that without them you feel a little lost in space.
The good news is that there's no reason to feel that way. There...