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Fitness & Sushi

Sep 17, 2023

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The process for identifying beliefs that are causing misalignment and self-sabotage
  • What is confirmation bias and how to stop collecting proof of disempowering belief systems
  • How to create new empowering beliefs and actually believe them
  • The common limiting beliefs you need to break...

Sep 13, 2023

Improving your nutrition can feel impossible and overwhelming if you've been conditioned by diet culture, and are fearful of giving up the foods you love. In today's episode with special guest Amanda Bullat, RD, you will learn:

  • How Amanda went from endurance athlete with a disordered relationship with food, her body,...

Sep 10, 2023

🟡 In this episode - “How to Spot a Diet In Disguise, you'll learn...

  • The truth behind “not-a-diet” marketing tactics and why most are still diets in disguise
  • How to spot the red flags that scream 'diet' so you don’t get sucked in
  • Why you should take everything you see with a grain of salt
  • How to put on...

Sep 6, 2023

In today's solo episode, Deanna coaches client Shannon through the mindset of approaching weight loss to improve her quality of life. You will learn:

  • Why the more you focus on weight loss, the more difficult it is to actually lose weight permanently
  • How to stay in permission with food while making the necessary changes...

Sep 3, 2023

🟡 In this episode - “How to Stop Viewing Yourself With a Critical Lens, you'll learn...

  • Why relying solely on external motivation is often ineffective in the long term
  • Why fear-based motivation keeps you stuck in the yo-yo diet cycle
  • Why being kinder to yourself will lead to long-lasting positive changes in...